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Pregame Blogs

Pregame Blogs

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    09/07/2011 9:56 PM
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    05/09/2024 7:02 PM


10/12/2008 4:44 PM ·

Handicappable propositions are some of the most profitable bets one can make. The lines on proposition bets are set within general parameters for all teams, which gives the handicapper who calculates the specific odds for the teams in the matchup a huge edge. The side and total in tonight's game is very difficult to pick. The propostions, however, offer a great opportunity to make money on the game despite the difficulty... Read more

Topics: NFL Free Pick Picks TV

Has anyone noticed that Hochuli rhymes with Donaghy? Based on the performance of Ed Hochuli and his crew in the last two games, it looks to me as if Hochuli could have more in common with Donaghy than just a rhyming name. New Orleans thouroughly dominated Minnesota on Monday Night, but lost anyway. It cost me a Monday pick. To make up for Hochuli's Hell last night, I'm gong to give you tonight's selection right here for... Read more


09/28/2008 4:35 PM ·

While all those guys you should never have elected play politics with the economy and $700 Billion on the line, I'm starting a grass roots campaign. Forget about bail outs for Wall Street gamblers. I say, $700 Billon to bail out sports gamblers. In the debate on Friday, neither Obama nor McCain had anything meaningful to say about the bail out. Isn't it amazing how politicians can avoid answering even the simplest question... Read more


09/14/2008 4:53 PM ·

It has come to my attention that many of you out there are becoming depraved because you're deprived. We can't have all this depravity around here, so as cure for your deprivity, er . . . . deprivation, I have the strongest play we've had in the NFL so far this season. As you may or may not know, the Crowne Club started as a group dedicated to sharing information. We still help each other with information. Tonight Cleveland... Read more

Topics: NFL Free Pick Picks

I was off in London for a few days for a whirlwind tour. I pressed the flesh with endless cockney floozies in the tube, ate fish and chips, bangers and mash, roast beef with Yorkshire Pudding (which is really some sort of bread and not pudding at all), steak and kidney pie, and English breakfast with brown-colored Brown Sauce. London was horribly humid, ridiculously crowded, grimy, gloomy and grey. There was no style... Read more

Only this play is good enough to be a follow up to my NFL Hall of Fame Game of the Year. You didn't fall for that game-name thing again did you? Of course my selection in the NFL game tonight between Green Bay and Denver is my " NFL FRIDAY NIGHT GREEN BAY/DENVER DRESS REHEARSAL TOTAL PLAY OF THE YEAR" There is only one Dress Rehearsal Game being played between Green Bay and Denver this year, the other stuff is extraneous... Read more

Topics: NFL Free Pick

You'll have to be quick, but if you can still get in play SF +1 in the late game tonight against Oakland. Neither head coach normally puts any emphasis on winning in the preseason, but SF has a new offensive coordinator by the name of Mike Martz. Our information out of SF is that Martz wants to get his new job off on the right foot. To assure that he has given J.Y O'Sullivan the starting QB spot tonight, with Alex Smith... Read more

The WNBA is particularly easy pickings for the professional handicapper for many of the same reasons that I wrote about in my article regarding Arena Football. Linemakers set the line based on a desire to split the public action. The linemaker does not base the line on his opinion of the final game result. When you bet any lined sport, you are not competing against the bookmaker, you are competing against the other bettors... Read more

I don't know how many times I've said and written, "parlays are sucker bets." Normally, they are, but not always. To understand why parlays are sucker bets, you first must understand the nature of a parlay. A parlay is a single bet on one proposition, and, if it wins, all the money won plus the original bet is placed on the second proposition. In essence, it's a single bet on one game with a double bet on the other. Before... Read more

Okay, unlike my recent article asking why Arena Football wasn't as popular as the NFL, I know why no one likes the WNBA. Last week one of the ladies in the WNBA actually managed to dunk the ball and it made front page headlines and the highlight films on every sports broadcast. If there was ever a reason to dislike ladies baskets its that women, white or black, don't even jump as well as white men and we all know most... Read more

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