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Pregame Blogs

Pregame Blogs

Videos are just the START of the conversation. Each show has a dedicated blog post with show notes, links, and pics. Plus, the host and guests continue the conversation in the comments section!

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  • Created On:
    09/07/2011 9:56 PM
  • Last Update:
    05/09/2024 7:02 PM

After a "4-1" Weekend in NCAAFB & NFL ...the "TRUE STEAM" Blog is now "11-6" (65% ATS) since I began choosing those "Early Moves " that are supported by my own Lines/Ratings, which are also updated & created weekly...I do this for the exact same reason that the Wiseguys do...Because without making my own "price" for each match-up, it would be impossible to compare what the oddsmaker come up with...and the bookmakers eventually... Read more

Last week the "True Steam" Bets went 3-3...making them 7-5 the last 2 weeks...And although that may not sound like anything to get excited about...It's exactly the type of results that the Wiseguys have been beating the books with forever...In fact, 58% ATS would be something that any of the Betting Syndicates would be extremely satisfied with...Remember, that the Wiseguys aren't in the business of trying to find those... Read more

We had some success last week with the "TRUE STEAM" , going "4-2" Overall ...It was the 1st week that I decided to add my own handicapp to the mix, by choosing those "Early Moves" that the Wiseguys made which offer the biggest edge based on my own "Lines"...And then trying to narrow them down to the 5 that I like the most...I only ask that you keep in mind that I have not had the time to really disect each individual... Read more

We are now over 1/4 of the way through the Football Season, and this is when the Wiseguys usually kick it into gear...They now have more than enough data to really sharpen their Power Ratings, but the Oddsmakers also have plenty to work with as well. This is why we will begin to see less and less "TRUE STEAM" in those initial 24hrs after the sportsbooks release the odds for the following week's games... The reason... Read more

Since the sportsbooks first opened up their lines for this weekend's games back on Sunday evening, we have seen plenty of movement...Some of that movement was because the game got "Steamed" by the Wiseguys, while others were based on adjustments made by the sportsbooks due to injuries, weather, public money, ect... In the first "TRUE STEAM" Blog that I posted on Monday, I went ahead and covered those bets that the... Read more

We just wrapped up another week of College & Pro Football, that saw the Wiseguys do well once again on Saturday...only to give some of it back in the Pros again on Sunday, as the Favs got the money again...In fact, the Favs went "9-4 ATS" on Sunday...Including "6-1 ATS" on NFL Favs of -7.5 and higher...Which means that not only did the Wiseguys lose, but the books lost money in the NFL for the 3rd time in 4 weeks... ... Read more

Allright fellas, this will be the Final "Follow-Up" for this week's "TRUE STEAM" series...And so far we've discussed a handful of the biggest "Positions" taken by the off-shore and US based Betting Syndicates...On Monday, we covered some of the bigger moves caused by these Wiseguys as soon as the sportsbooks offered their lines for the following week's NCAAFB & NFL match-ups...Then we came back on Thursday and went over... Read more

"TRUE STEAM" for NCAAFB & NFL (Week Ending 10-4-09) : On Monday Morning, I went ahead and passed along some of the major positions that various off-shore & US Syndicates had taken immediately after the "Next Week's Football Lines were offered to the betting public...And as I've explained previously, the "STEAM" that I want to point out are those initial moves which are either attempts at future middle opportunities... Read more

After having a chance to discuss some of the big line moves that occur as soon as the books offer the betting lines to the public, and more importantly, to the Wiseguys, with RJ last week...we felt that it was information that every sports bettor could use, so we decided to go ahead and put out a Blog which will detail some of the Biggest Moves made as soon as the lines went up... Now before I get to those moves, I... Read more

Along with all the great NFL & NCAAFB well as some interesting series in MLB, this weekend offers plenty of action for fight fans...And since all of my attention come Saturday & Sunday needs to be on football, I'll go ahead and pass along some OPINIONS as well as my TOP 2* BET FREE for this weekends fights... Let's get the Boxing out of the way first, since we are not making any Official Bets... MARQUEZ... Read more

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