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Pregame Blogs

Pregame Blogs

Videos are just the START of the conversation. Each show has a dedicated blog post with show notes, links, and pics. Plus, the host and guests continue the conversation in the comments section!

1 Members
  • Type:
  • Created On:
    09/07/2011 9:56 PM
  • Last Update:
    05/09/2024 7:02 PM

ALLRIGHT...we have come to the end of 2008, and what a year it has been for the world of sports...Where we saw the Giants defeat the Undefeated Patriots to start it off...followed by an incredible comeback in the final minute by Kansas over Memphis to win the National Championship...then off to Boston, where the New Celtics went ahead and brought home a Championship and restored thier winning tradition...While the Redwings... Read more

Allright Fellas...after so many e-mails and calls were made, asking about my NHL Package...I sat down with Pregame and decided that we would go ahead and offer a SEASON SUBSCRIPTION ...It has become obvious to me over this past year, that the majority of my Clients are in this to make money and not neccessarily for entertainment...although making money has sure been fun...Therefore, I felt it was my obligation to go ahead... Read more

**I highly recommend that Both my Subscribers & Daily Players Read this All Carefully** The football season is finally in full swing and we continue to grow as a community with so many new members joining us daily. Because of that, I thought it would be a good idea to inform my Subscribers and Daily Players of how we will manage "Releasing Bets" during football. As those who have been with me for a while can tell you... Read more

Well, since returning to Las Vegas it has become clear that the sportsbooks and the city is getting ready for the upcoming football season. Now is the time for us sports bettors to do the same as we get ready for the most exciting time of the year. Throughout the season, I intend on covering many topics and passing along many of the techniques that I use which were taught to me and have really helped me become a more... Read more

Allright is that time of year when everyone begins turning their attention to the upcoming football season...and that will definately mean a lot more opportunities to really do DAMAGE during the remainder of the MLB Reg Season and even more-so when the Post-Season arrives...So this is definately one of the most exciting times for me as a Pro-Sports Bettor because even though my main priority is making money... Read more

I have so many topics in mind that I am dying to cover here in my Blog which deal with handicapping and professional sports betting...And because I was fortunate to be brought up in this game surrounded by the most successful and sharpest bettors to ever make a wager, I was able to learn first-hand all about handicapping. In fact, those early years had helped lay the foundation for everything that I do now. Although the... Read more

I believe that I have corrected the problem on my end and I can get back to Blogging...there is just so much that I want to pass along to you guys that I don't know where to begin. And although I have used my Blog in the past to mostly try and pass along some knowledge and experiences to help you beat this market, today I want to touch on a topic that a book brought to my attention early this morning over the phone..... Read more

We have just reached the half-way point for 2008 and with 6 Month's in the Books...I thought that I would take the time and re-cap our year so far, along with the Balance Update that I had said I would create a Blog for. Before I get to the figures and "Bottom Line", I just want to point out that this has been an incredible experience for me and I would really like to Thank all of my clients, as well as all of the Pregame... Read more

Saturday night, I was faced with that very dilemma, and I believe that all professional sports handicappers who share their work with others have been forced to deal with the very same thing. First let me say that one of the main reasons that I decided Pregame was definately the site that I would take on this venture is the fact that I knew the cappers on here actually do bet their plays and I would go as far as saying... Read more

Well I was really hoping to get more feedback from you guys on my last blog so that I would be able to really zero in on those factors which I believe are holding some really good cappers back from being great cappers...but I understand that summer is upon us and people are doing a lot more outdoor activities, so I will try to go over some of the things that I think are important for all handicappers to consider... ... Read more

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