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Pregame Blogs

Pregame Blogs

Videos are just the START of the conversation. Each show has a dedicated blog post with show notes, links, and pics. Plus, the host and guests continue the conversation in the comments section!

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  • Created On:
    09/07/2011 9:56 PM
  • Last Update:
    05/09/2024 7:02 PM

Allright Gentlemen...Back in August we placed our AFC 5* FUTURE GOY on SD CHARGERS +1000 ...And we placed our NFC 4* FUTURE GOY on NO SAINTS +2000 ... Well, we are now in the EXACT position that I had hoped for...Which is to get into the Playoffs, hopefully get a bye in the 1st Round, and play at least 1 home game so that we are Favored...And so far, all 3 wishes have come to fruition... If you remember, last year... Read more

Allright gentlemen...we are now "39-21" ( 65% ATS) on "TRUE STEAM" for 2009-2010...And after a " 4-0 " SWEEP last night, I really feel that our ratings/numbers are as sharp as ever...And I feel so good at how well we are running in all sports currently, that I'm going to pass along a bet on tonight's marquee match-up...So tonight, we are going to try and get WIN #40 by taking advantage of another "Prime-Time" Televised... Read more

Allright fellas...we nailed another CBB "True Steam" Bet last night, a SU DOG WINNER ...To take us to "4-1" on CBB "Early Moves" ... We are now "39-20" ( 66% ATS) OVERALL on "True Steam" Bets...since we launched this Blog... Tonight, I've been able to isolate another "Added Board" wager...that according to my own Ratings/Numbers, still has plenty of value...Even after the books have adjusted for all of the "steam... Read more

Allright fellas...We start the new week off by trying to cash in on a CBB "Early Move" made by the Betting Syndicates...and supported by my own Ratings/Numbers...We are "3-1" on those CBB "True Steam" BETS ...And tonight, we'll try to add to that with a nice Home Dog on the added board... More times than can be sure that the majority of "moves" on the added board, are Wiseguy related...And more importantly... Read more

Allright fellas, we had a loser in the NBA last night...and are now "37-20" (65% ATS) since launching this Blog...And as proud as I am about those results, I'm even prouder to see that so many up and coming handicappers are really learning a lot...And that they otherwise may have never had the opportunity to truely see how the Betting Syndicates approach sports betting...and the different ways that they use to beat this... Read more

Allright gentlemen...we only have 1 NBA game on tonight, due to the BCS Championship...And since my Ratings/Numbers support the "Early Move" that was made by the Betting Syndicates this morning...I decided that we would use the play, as tonight's isolated bet... Like I said on this week's Video Pod-Casts ...These next 2 weeks are extremely dangerous if you don't know how to approach them...Because with more and more... Read more

Allright fellas...forgive me for getting today's "TRUE STEAM" up a bit later than usual...But I had the opportunity to gather some more information and took advantage of it because we have a great board to work with tonight and I want to make sure that I use every source of information that we have access to... Which is exactly what I did for tonight's isolated bet...This is a play that my own Ratings/Numbers support... Read more

Allright fellas...we are a PERFECT "3-0" on CBB "TRUE STEAM" Bets...And tonight, we are going to put that little run on the line with another "Early Move" ... This is the time of the season, where the books begin to adjust the way they factor "Public Perception" into the "Line"...Because with the NFL Season over...and just a handful of Bowl Games left...we will begin seeing more and more recreational bettors, move... Read more

Allright fellas, it's New Year's Day and I'd like to wish you all a very Happy & Healthy New Year ahead...With nothing but enjoyment, and prosperity for you and your family...I got up real early this morning...and am looking forward to watching some Bowl Games before getting ready for the Weekend ahead and getting some rest as well...But I promised you that I would make sure to take the time gather the information... Read more

We cashed another CBB "True Steam" Bet last night...So I'm going to stay in CBB and see if we can remain PERFECT for '09...Because what I've been seeing lately in the the Betting Syndicates setting plays up early, then coming back with their "True Positions" much later in the day... Obviously, the Sportsbooks will realize this...and adjust accordingly, like they have to do all the time...As one tries to stay... Read more

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