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Pregame Blogs

Pregame Blogs

Videos are just the START of the conversation. Each show has a dedicated blog post with show notes, links, and pics. Plus, the host and guests continue the conversation in the comments section!

1 Members
  • Type:
  • Created On:
    09/07/2011 9:56 PM
  • Last Update:
    05/09/2024 7:02 PM

Okay, unlike my recent article asking why Arena Football wasn't as popular as the NFL, I know why no one likes the WNBA. Last week one of the ladies in the WNBA actually managed to dunk the ball and it made front page headlines and the highlight films on every sports broadcast. If there was ever a reason to dislike ladies baskets its that women, white or black, don't even jump as well as white men and we all know most... Read more

In " The AFL IS EASY PICKINGS - Part 1 " we discussed the reasons that Arena Football provides a higher degree of handicapping predictability than the NFL. Forecast accuracy is only part of the story, however If the lines are set to reflect the handicapper's forecasted result, no matter how accurate that handicapper may be, he cannot gain any advantage. For a handicapper to achieve wagering success, the sport must not... Read more

It took Rick Dutrow almost two days to finally place the blame for Big Brown's failure on jockey Kent Desmoreaux. Dutrow and other observers have said that Desmoreaux tried to force Big Brown to the outside in a panic. That's probably true, but it still doesn't explain Big Brown's refusal to fire. A glance at the close-up films of Big Brown in the race, however, tells the story. As I noted in my PreGame blog article before... Read more

The Belmont Stakes will be run this Saturday, June 7. Here's EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW FOR AN ENJOYABLE AND WINNING BELMONT DAY: There will be 13 races. Post time for the first race is 12 NOON Eastern Time. Post time for THE BELMONT STAKES (Race 11) will be at approximately 6:25 PM. It will be sunny and hot on Saturday. There wont be any issue with changing track conditions. The first heat wave of summer is scheduled... Read more

Can somebody explain to me why Arena Football is so much less popular than the NFL and NCAA? Perhaps the problem is that the smaller field takes away some of the psychological excitement. Football, after all, is a macho sport, and we all know small just ain't macho. Whether or not you are an Arena Football fan, however, if you bet sports you should not ignore the AFL. The AFL is far more predictable than the NFL. It is... Read more

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