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Pregame Blogs

Pregame Blogs

Videos are just the START of the conversation. Each show has a dedicated blog post with show notes, links, and pics. Plus, the host and guests continue the conversation in the comments section!

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  • Created On:
    09/07/2011 9:56 PM
  • Last Update:
    05/09/2024 7:02 PM

With the anticipation of the upcoming football season, I thought that I would create a few blog posts which would help me try and pass along some factors which will make you a much more successful sports bettor. I feel that the best way for me to do that is to first find out what the majority of sports bettors are actually doing. So I want to put together a series of blog posts which pose some questions on handicapping... Read more

We have covered some of the options that are available to sports bettors for MLB...those included "Run-Line" and "5th Inn" wagers. Today, I want to cover a topic that I feel is extremely important, and being conscious of these factors which we will discuss, will definately play a vital role in the overall success when wagering on MLB. I know that when it comes to football, even your most recreational bettors have learned... Read more

I want to take a minute and respond to a question that was asked by one of my clients in my daily forum thread...and after seeing a few more people respond and ask my opinion on the topic, I thought that it was definately worth discussing more thoroughly. The question was : How do I take out Profit and pay myself as a sports bettor ?? Now please keep in mind that we each have different obligations and responsibilities... Read more

Its no secret that I made a 3* Best Bet on the Celtics last night...and I also urged my guys to go ahead and bet 3* more on the Celtics at +160 to win the series. Truth is, my reasoning on the series wager was not soley based on the fact that I believe the Celtics will be the Champs...because unlike the Redwings where I had no doubts, this time we were taking the side the oddsmakers say is less likely to win it all. But... Read more

Now that the NHL has concluded, and the NBA is capable of providing only 7 more games for us to wager on...I thought I would continue my series on handicapping MLB. Until this past year, I never really had the opportunity to discuss various handicapping techniques with your average sports bettor. And the sharps these days aren't willing to reveal any new methods that they apply since it is getting more and more difficult... Read more

Good afternoon guys...well I had said during the final month of May that as soon as it comes to an end, I would post a blog which would contain our results not only for the month, but more importantly for the entire year so far. I want to also explain some of the things we have been able to do to have success, and also go over the many things that we will encounter ahead, because I truely do wish that all of my guys are... Read more

First off, I really want to say that I am just so glad that we went ahead and laid -155 prior to the series on the Red Wings as a Best Bet because they have really shown so far in the Stanley Cup Finals that they are the best team in the NHL this year...and more imortantly for bettors, that -155 was an absolute gift. Coming in, I just really felt that public perception was the main reason for the low price the oddsmakers... Read more

"GRIND" is a term that I have heard used by all types of professional gamblers...from dice slicers to card counters and coin hustlers to past posters, it seems like all of them have the same common denominator...they all profit from "Grinding". Then, as poker came to the mainstream and began to explode via the internet, we came to know those "rocks" and pros refered to as "rounders", as poker players who were able to... Read more

I had planned on taking the time today to write more on the topic that I posted the other day, "Exotic Wagers"...and dig into the "5 INN" bet that has become so popular with recreational bettors. After having our only losing day of the week Sunday, I did a lot of thinking as well as getting a chance to speak with some of the men who I depend on daily, and chose instead to use this opportunity to explain how grateful I... Read more

Since we are only a few weeks away from both the NBA & NHL Playoffs coming to an end, which means that until the excitement of football gets here we will all be looking to make a profit in baseball almost exculsively...I felt that I would try and cover some of the topics that may help you do that, and dig a little deeper in baseball's numbers. For myself, I have always looked forward to betting baseball because unlike... Read more

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