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Pregame Blogs

Pregame Blogs

Videos are just the START of the conversation. Each show has a dedicated blog post with show notes, links, and pics. Plus, the host and guests continue the conversation in the comments section!

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  • Created On:
    09/07/2011 9:56 PM
  • Last Update:
    05/09/2024 7:02 PM

One of the most valuable tools for isolating value on each week's card is the "AFP". This "Away From the Point Spread" number is the margin of point spread victory or defeat by a particular team in a game or group of games. It is a major factor used by the line maker in adjusting the power rating of a team for their following game or games. How can we best use this information to our advantage? The first... Read more

The 10 Worst Teams in CFB

09/02/2011 8:08 AM ·

Each year at the beginning of the college football and basketball season you can tune into any source of media and get their lists of the top 25 teams in the country. With good reason all the positive media attention focuses on these teams who have worked hard to recruit a team with high expectations. This immediately translates into conversation among sports fans across the nation who all have their own opinions... Read more

Experience is vital to early season success in college sports. The following is my list of top 10 experienced teams. Many handicappers simply rely on the number of returning starters to make this list. My opinion through years of experience is that it is not nearly that simple. That is why my list of top 10 experienced teams also includes the following information: Same Coach Returning QB 16+ returning... Read more

Its always important to know your opponent. In this case we are talking about the line maker. Following is a brief recap of what you are up against when handicapping 2011 CFB. These numbers will give you a realistic outlook when handicapping the college football wars this season. The numbers below are all for the regular season in 2010 College football: 770 Total number of CFB games played. 9,576 Total... Read more

It's never easy playing your first road game in early September. But its even harder if you must do so with a first time starter at the all important quarterback position. The following chart takes a look at 11 teams who are going on the road the weekend of Sat. Sept. 3 rd with a quarterback who will be taking his first ever snap in a CFB game. I have also included the difference in the line from the end of last... Read more

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