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Pregame Blogs

Pregame Blogs

Videos are just the START of the conversation. Each show has a dedicated blog post with show notes, links, and pics. Plus, the host and guests continue the conversation in the comments section!

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  • Type:
  • Created On:
    09/07/2011 9:56 PM
  • Last Update:
    05/09/2024 7:02 PM

First off, I am not referring to the horrible weekend I had with my selections or the fact I am under 50% in college football (still doing well in pro ball though). What I am ranting about is football overall this season for both the NFL and College. As I write this, this season has been going by very quicky in my opinon due to being one of the weakest starts to football in recent memory. Why? Well, let me count the ways... Read more

First off, I am a Big 10 homer. I will be quick to point out that in Bowl Games (despite being in the SEC's backyard), the Big 10 is a coin flip against the SEC in Bowl Games. If you factor out the "choke of all Bowl Game chokers, Ohio State, the upper Big 10 teams have beaten the SEC) I will be also quick to point out that in the Citrus/Capital One Bowl that matches up the top SEC and Big 10 teams not in a BCS Bowl,... Read more

Where were you on 9-11?

09/11/2008 7:57 AM ·

I was still with Ford Motor Company as an investigator. Was working on a case and printing out some documents for a meeting. The printer was in this middle common area where they also had TVs etc. I walk to get my print outs and see all these people watching the TV. At this time people thought it was just a horrible accident (1st plane). People were talking and wondering how someone could have lost control of a plane... Read more

Anyone have the phone number to GA? Seriously. Not sure how much more of a junkie you could get.....But, here we go. I will paste the parley and you can figure it our for yourself: Wager details for ticket number 22796358-1: Wager Type: Parlay (2 team) Wager Status: Pending Risk / To Win Amount: 200.00 / 8,994.34 (USD) Accepted 9/8/2008 11:53 PM - EST Item #1 Wager Type: Money Line Outcome: Win Sport / Period: Lotto Misc... Read more

First off, I sweated my butt off sitting at the "big house" watching the Michigan-Utah game. Despite what anyone tries to say, watching football at Michigan Stadium is ANYTHING but enjoyable. I officially know what cattle must feel like cramped in some truck being shipped off to some meat packaging plant in the hot sun. The spots on the bleachers were established A LONG TIME AGO when people were not so big and fat. Don... Read more

There is no denying that the SEC is the best conference in college football. At the same time, there is no denying those numbers are not AS GREAT when you take away the games played in the friendly confines of southern weather and fans. For example, Tennessee has only lost two season openers in the last 16 years and both of those times were games on the West Coast against Pac 10 schools. To take it even a step further... Read more

The clock is ticking and we are just over a week away from the opening week of college football. I already have that uneasy knot in my stomach of joy knowing that within a couple days I can start making college football picks . Some of the bigger games to watch are: NC State South Carolina -12 Oregon State -3 Stanford Utah Michigan -4 Syracuse Northwestern -12 Oklahoma State -6.5 Washington State Hawaii Florida -34.5... Read more

I was up at 1:30 am EST last night watching women's gymnastics. There I said it. I have watched the Olympics in the past obviously, but there is something about this year that has me watching everything from water polo to fencing. I don't know if it is the hype about China getting more medals, the Phelps chase or the French shit talking. I can honestly say I have enjoyed watching the Olympics more than any other sporting... Read more

I must admit, despite being around football and gambling since running parlay cards during Junior High, I have never played fantasy football. Watching people in these nerdy little leagues and acting like it was "cool" always annoyed me. Personally, I felt the fantasy football people were people who did not have the balls to focus the energy on handicapping and gamble like a grown up. Alas, over the past couple years I... Read more

A few months back a contact of mine at ESPN said he would get me tickets to the PGA Championship for the whole weekend. Well, a few months go by and he does not mention it so I do not want to bust his balls sounding like a freeloader and finally concede and commit to my wife on going up north with her family. As my luck sometimes plays out, yesterday my friend calls and tells me how his friend from the Golf Channel is... Read more

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