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  • Created On:
    09/07/2011 9:56 PM
  • Last Update:
    05/09/2024 7:02 PM


What's up with the NBA Playoffs thus far. Thru the first 3 days of action there has been 10 games played. In those 10 games 9 of them have gone OVER the Total. That is just unreal as playoff time usually means low scoring defensive games. Is Vegas just putting up soft totals or is Vegas out smarting the wise guys?

Every thing that Vegas does is a reaction to an action. If the favorites keep covering Vegas will pump the lines up to balance the books. If the dogs are covering Vegas starts putting up short numbers to balance the books.Totals however are a totally different animal as most squares always bet the OVER.

It's a fact put 100 people in a room and tell them to pick Over or Under and the majority will always be on the Over as it's the gambler's mentality to bet Over and here's why?

You always have hope when you bet the Over as turnovers, quick scores, and a bevy of 3 pointers or overtime all give the Over Bettors hope. If you bet Under you may have a losing bet by the start of the 4th quarter. Also who wants to watch a game and root for no scoring. Vegas knows these facts and usually has the totals a little higher in anticipation of all the Over Money that will be coming in.

I think Vegas knows that the average players are smarter than they use to be. There is so much information available to the average bettor these days that the squares just aren't as square as they use to be.

With information available such as our own Sports Betting Preview Show the average bettor now knows that when you bet an UNDER who have a Winning Bet all the way until the game finally goes over the total.

So what does all this mean when Vegas knows what you know they will adjust to take your advantage away. Remember back in the day when Monday Night Football was new and Home Dogs was as close to money in the bank as there was well what happened everyone started talking about it and Vegas started shaving the lines and soon the Home Dog on Monday Night Football was a 50/50 proposition.

Vegas has over adjusted the totals as the sharps have been on the Unders and been getting beat. Also note that most of the first 10 games have been blowouts which will have the game go over more often because the teams quit playing hard defense when the games get out of hand. Tighter games will bring the totals back down.

Most years everything has a way of ending between 46-54% for over/unders or dogs & favorites. So with a 9-1 start on the Overs don't expect the overs to hold as Vegas will start tweaking the totals to adjust which means there will be a bevy of unders to bring the average back to that 46-54% range.

Also note that the deeper we go into the playoffs teams will make adjustments as well which will bring the scoring down. So just like a stock broker who says to buy a stock because it's under priced I'm saying buy the unders over the next 10 days because they will be over priced.

Best of Luck!


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GM of Picks at Pregame Pros because Marco knows picks - over the last 29 years his teams of pro bettors have won millions! As head handicapper of "Sports Unlimited" Marco is a three-time world champion... Read more

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