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Pregame Blogs

Pregame Blogs

Videos are just the START of the conversation. Each show has a dedicated blog post with show notes, links, and pics. Plus, the host and guests continue the conversation in the comments section!

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An NBA Week Wraps Up, Pt 1

10/28/2010 9:01 PM ·

Recap: No plays on Thursday, as the NBA afforded only minimal value in the two TNT games -- so, in that regard, not a ton to recap, though your buddy Dan is in our Nation's Capital for a couple days, so my base of operations has moved temporarily, and that's always exciting! Today: First, listen to the SEASON PREVIEW PODCAST HERE: Next, get the DAN BEBE NBA 2010-2011 SEASON PASS HERE: ADD SEASON PASS to CART... Read more

Recap: Call me a perfectionist if you like, but I'd nominate last night for one of the more frustrating 2-1 days in recent memory, and I think most of you agree. We somehow hung on with a narrow cover on the Pistons, the Cavs not only covered, but won, but Indiana, the largest of the 3 plays, allowed the Spurs to go on an 11-0 4th quarter run that put the game "out of the money" and the Pacers couldn't get back in there... Read more

Recap: It took some moxie from the Blazers, but a man-size 18-1 run to end the game secured a Blazers victory, and a 7-point cover for our first play of the NBA season, and first win. 1-0. 100%? Haha, I kid. So many, many games to go, but it's nice to start up! Today: First, listen to the SEASON PREVIEW PODCAST HERE: Next, get the DAN BEBE NBA 2010-2011 SEASON PASS HERE: ADD SEASON PASS to CART! If that... Read more

Recap: What recap? I guess we could go all the way back to LAST SEASON, if we absolutely must (and the 174-148 season and playoff combined record is nothing to scoff at, especially considering that after November 22, that mark was an even-more-impressive 142-107). But, that's the past, and this is now. It's time to see how this wild offseason plays itself out! Today: First, listen to the SEASON PREVIEW PODCAST HERE... Read more

Prelude: Last week was the MOST VIEWED, and GREATEST NUMBER OF RESPONSES of any NFL Blog so far, and I can't thank you all enough for weighing in on every game, and really making it interactive! We had some great plays that panned out, and we had some almost-good plays that fizzled because of unbelievable 6-turnover performances, missed 2-pt conversions, a 4-turnover half, and other kooky stuff that only sports makes... Read more

Prelude: Hopefully you all noticed, there was no blog last week. I wrote it in a few places, but as I'm reminded, not everyone sees everything, so very quickly... Last week was blog-less because I was spending time with close friends here in Michigan to mourn the death of an incredible person, a future doctor, and a true world-changer. Life can be shit. Pardon my language, but sometimes, that's just what needs to be... Read more

Opening Remarks: It's NBA time! It's NBA time! Whoopee! This blog is meant to serve as, largely, a reminder of everything that different teams have done (or not done), and also a guide to finding early-season betting value. You guys aren't stupid, so there's no reason to go over every offseason trade, draft pick, etc. Let's spend our time digging into whether a team is going to overachieve or underachieve, because... Read more

Prelude: As noted last week, the blog is being pared down to just an analysis of PUBLIC PERCEPTION, and how it creates betting value! The blog last week absolutely hammered the misaligned perceptions in about 10 games, and, not surprisingly, led to a perfect 5-0 sweep on my card. I hope you guys used the info properly, as well! Pro Notes: 1) NFL -- SUNDAY ALL ACCESS PASS -- off a 5-0 Jumbo-Sweep, I expect ALL... Read more

Prelude: This week, and all weeks moving forward, the blog will shorten up just a tad. The first 2 blogs focused largely on perception angles, but also included a good deal of other notes. From here on out, the blog will focus SOLELY on how perception is creating or demolishing value, and it's going to be up to YOU all to fill in notes on matchups, line moves, and other key game insight. I really want this blog to be... Read more

Prelude: This heading is pretty standard this week, and should remain so, barring some big blog changes, which I don't foresee. Week 2 Recap and Lessons Learned : I think this section was a nice little addition to week 2's MegaBlog, but it's really as much about forum participation as my own work. For me, I learned that the game that I based a good deal of my week 2 predictions upon was a complete disaster, and... Read more

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