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Pregame Blogs

Pregame Blogs

Videos are just the START of the conversation. Each show has a dedicated blog post with show notes, links, and pics. Plus, the host and guests continue the conversation in the comments section!

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  • Type:
  • Created On:
    09/07/2011 9:56 PM
  • Last Update:
    05/09/2024 7:02 PM

Prelude: The NFL Week One Blog led to a ton of great notes, analyses of public perception, winners, and discussion. But that was just the beginning. Moving forward, I'd like to try to continue to put together a comprehensive NFL blog breaking down every single game, much the way I have done with NBA and MLB since December of last year. It hasn't been easy - it has taken countless hours, and it has ALL been 100% free... Read more

Recap : Everything was pretty good until out number 27. Cliff Lee might have been left in there one batter too long, and it burned us. His pitch count wasn't too high, but Youkilis had hit the ball hard most of the night, and I'm honestly a bit surprised that Neftali Feliz wasn't brought in. But, so it goes. It costs us a Game of the Week, and took a little bite out of my rapidly inflating bubble. Today : No horsepuck... Read more

Recap : Dan Haren got a boo-boo. Paid Play clunker. Moving on. Today : It's time, my friends. We've been able to watch half of the teams play 2 games, and the other half play 1, and it's pretty clear who decided to put their cleats back on, and who did not. And thus, with some very friendly Saturday lines to pick from, it's GAME OF THE WEEK TIME! As usual, Click Anywhere in This Paragraph to head to my Pro Page so... Read more

Recap : The second half begins just the way the first half ends, with a sweet, succulent victory! It sure as heck wasn't easy, but the Sox pen gave up just 1 run, as usual, and after 1 ungodly inning, John Danks was superb. Yes, a little luck helped, but the Twins continued to come up a buck short despite having opportunities. So, with that casher in the bank, we've now won 4 straight Paid Plays with an All Star Break... Read more

Recap : I suppose I can take this paragraph to recap the plays posted on Friday night, since the website crashed, and we haven't talked Bebe-plays since. We lost our Small Freebie on the Astros, but as is often the case, with those longshots, I can't stress enough when something is a small play. Would have loved to cash the big dog, but still managed to turn a profit on the day, as the Top Play on the Atlanta Braves ... Read more

Recap : Well, we already know nice and early that the Angels can't hit a lick. Tough loss on the Small Freebie. Plenty of time to make that back in the evening. We had confidence, and the Toronto/Minnesota Over hit to get us back in the positive for the day. Another Paid winner, now 31-19 Paid Run, with a 4-1 on all Big Plays, so not only are the Paids 12 games over 500 in that stretch, but we've made 7 units on just... Read more

Recap : Game of the Week Winner! That sentence doesn't get old. That makes 3-1 the last 4 Games of the Week, and 1-0 on recent Games of the Month, so a nice little chunk there in just a few plays. It wasn't my finest handicapping, as Toronto needed a late rally to pull through, but they did just enough, and Kevin Gregg didn't choke the lead away. The Free Play on the White Sox is in the 8th inning as I type this recap... Read more

Recap : Some rain later, and the whole thing comes to pieces. I don't know what it is about rain that just causes havoc in the handicapping. You'd think when your opposition loses its starting pitcher, it'd be a good thing, but suddenly the game isn't at all what you handicapped, and the fact that the Angels hit Jake Peavy ultra hard doesn't matter. We can't fool ourselves into thinking luck plays no role in betting when... Read more

NO BLOG TODAY, AS I JUST GOT A NEIGHBOR'S INTERNET ROCKING AND ROLLING HERE AT 2AM. However, that doesn't mean we can't talk baseball all day, and that's what I hope we can turn this bad boy into. Quick Recap and Preview : We cashed the SUMMER SIZZLER play yesterday, as the White Sox blew things wide the "F" open just as I was getting on the 3rd leg of my harrowing cross-country journey. I like! Today, we'll have the... Read more

Topics: Baseball MLB

Recap : Yesterday was a lesson in humility, and as I preach on "Today in Sports Betting," everyone needs to be constantly learning and evolving. Late Saturday night, when I was doing my handicapping, I got the news that TV and Internet had been shut down by Comcast, inexplicably, in my home in Michigan, to which I'm returning today (Monday). I spent a good deal of time on the phone with the fiance, and then with Comcast... Read more

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