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Analyzing the Best Finishers in the NBA: Is Kyrie Irving at the Top?

Is Kyrie Irving the Best Finisher in the NBA Right Now?


The art of finishing at the rim is a crucial skill in basketball, separating the good players from the great. In the NBA, several players have earned reputations as elite finishers, capable of converting difficult shots and scoring efficiently around the basket. This article delves into whether Kyrie Irving is the best finisher in the NBA right now and explores who currently holds the title of the best finisher in the league.

Kyrie Irving's Finishing Abilities

Craft and Skill

Kyrie Irving is renowned for his exceptional ball-handling and scoring prowess. His finishing ability is characterized by a blend of agility, creativity, and an extraordinary touch around the basket. Here are some key aspects of Irving’s finishing game:

  • Craftiness: Irving’s repertoire includes spin moves, euro steps, and hesitation dribbles, allowing him to navigate through defenses with ease.
  • Ambidexterity: His proficiency in finishing with both hands makes him unpredictable and challenging to defend.
  • Body Control: Irving’s ability to contort his body in mid-air helps him avoid shot blockers and convert difficult layups.
  • High Basketball IQ: He has a keen understanding of angles and timing, often utilizing the backboard to his advantage in complex situations.

Statistical Performance

To objectively evaluate Irving’s finishing ability, we can examine several metrics:

  • Field Goal Percentage at the Rim: Irving consistently records high shooting percentages near the basket, demonstrating his efficiency.
  • Points in the Paint: Despite being a guard, Irving scores a significant portion of his points in the paint, frequently leading his position in this category.
  • Highlight Reels: His finishing prowess is regularly featured in game recaps and highlight reels, showcasing his knack for making difficult shots.

The Competition

While Irving is undeniably one of the best finishers, the NBA is brimming with elite finishers across various positions. Comparing him to players like LeBron James, Giannis Antetokounmpo, and Zion Williamson provides a broader context for his abilities.

Who is the Best Finisher in the NBA?

Top Contenders

When discussing the best finisher in the NBA, several names stand out, each bringing unique skills to the table. Here are some of the top contenders:

LeBron James

  • Strength and Athleticism: LeBron combines sheer power with incredible athleticism, making him nearly unstoppable when driving to the basket.
  • Consistency: Throughout his career, LeBron has maintained high efficiency at the rim, often leading the league in points in the paint.

Giannis Antetokounmpo

  • Length and Agility: Giannis uses his extraordinary wingspan and agility to finish over defenders, often with spectacular dunks and layups.
  • Relentless Attack: His aggressive style ensures he frequently gets to the rim, resulting in high-percentage shots.

Zion Williamson

  • Power and Explosiveness: Zion’s combination of size, strength, and explosiveness makes him a dominant force in the paint.
  • Efficiency: When healthy, Zion boasts one of the highest field goal percentages in the league, thanks to his finishing ability.

Kyrie Irving

  • Craft and Skill: As previously mentioned, Irving’s finesse and creativity around the basket set him apart from many of his peers.

Metrics to Consider

To objectively determine the best finisher, we can analyze several key metrics:

  • Field Goal Percentage at the Rim: A direct indicator of efficiency around the basket.
  • Points in the Paint per Game: Reflects how often a player scores in high-percentage areas.
  • Highlight Plays and Game Impact: While more subjective, these highlight a player’s ability to make memorable and impactful finishes.


Determining the best finisher in the NBA is subjective and can vary depending on the criteria used. However, based on a combination of statistical performance and the eye test, Giannis Antetokounmpo often stands out due to his dominant presence and efficiency in the paint. Nevertheless, Kyrie Irving’s unique skill set and spectacular finishing ability ensure he remains in the conversation as one of the best finishers in the league.

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