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1 Members
  • Type:
  • Created On:
    09/07/2011 9:56 PM
  • Last Update:
    05/09/2024 7:02 PM


Allright Gentlemen...Let me start off by saying that ALL of our Futute Bets will always come from a seperate Bankroll and have absolutely nothing to do with our "Daily Grind"...But with that said, they are a part of our Yearly Account Balance...because they are simply a way of diversifying that Account...So what I'm trying to say is that we make our Future Bets with the intentions of "earning" from them...or better yet, cashing them...But we don't allow what we do day to day, to influence the decisions that we will have to make on those Future Bets...If of course they put us in a position to profit...

We have had a lot of success with Future Bets in the past...And I have always used them to help build my Account Balance because there are so many really good opportunities to do so...Unfortunately, too many bettors don't want to tie up any part of their bankrolls for a couple of months...So they are never able to take advantage of these excellent opportunities throughout the year...

Now we just cashed our NFL Future on the SAINTS +2000...after cashing with the STEELERS +1500 the prior season...And in between, we've had plenty of other Future Bets that have added profit to our balance...

So far in CBB...We lost 4 Units on our TEXAS Future Bet...Which didn't stay alive long enough for us to try and profit from it...

But the other CBB Future Bet that we made at the same time...TENNESSEE +2000 (3*)...does offer up the opportunity to turn a profit...Because when we made them, just like my reasoning in other sports...I simply needed them to get to the Sweet 16...Knowing that if you give me "60 UNITS" to play with...and only 3 games left before the Championship Game...I will find a way to make some money...

Now that we are here...Let's go ahead and MAKE SOME MONEY...

The goal right now is to cover the 4 Units that we lost on Texas...and profit from that TENN Future even if they get knocked out Tonight...

PLEASE keep in mind that I may bet Tenn +4.5 or +5...or I may bet Ohio St -4.5 or -4 like it is at some shops...Or I may just leave the game alone entirely...But regardless, that will have absolutely NOTHING to do with the bet that I just made...Which I am passing along for anyone else who may have followed me on those Futures...and also wants to try and "earn"...

To do's the bet I'm making tonight...


1.) OHIO ST (ML) -200.....(6 UNITS)

For starters...make sure that you SHOP this ML Bet around...Or wait until closer to game-time because I have seen this line anywhere from -190 at shops using -4 on a high of -210, at those shops that are using -4.5 and even -5...I went ahead and made my "Hedge" at -180...But for grading purposes, I will use the average number...

Now the reason that I opted for 6 Units is simple...If Tennessee loses this game SU tonight, then the 6 Units that we win on this wager will allow us to earn a profit of "3 Units" on the Tenn Future...Doubling our Money...

But if Tennessee upsets OSU tonight...Then even though we lose "12 Units" on this wager...we still have 48 UNITS alive...

And since Kansas is out of the picture...those 48 Units will definitely be enough for us to "earn" against either Michigan St or N. Iowa...

I considered "hedging" more Units to try and lock up some more profit if Tenn goes down...But the way this tournament has gone so far, anything can and has happened...So I chose to simply play it conservatively and continue looking for modest gains with minimal risk...Which is EXACTLY the same formula used by the Betting Syndicates all these years...And by investors like Warren Buffett, which I passed along in previous Newsletters...VR


Finally, we also have another 4* FUTURE BET alive...that we placed the other day, which will give us "20 Units" to work with as long as we get to the Elite 8/Final 4...Because even though we can obviously "hedge" some before that...the purpose of that Future was to give me 20 Units to work with after the Sweet 16...

Remember, these Future Bets are a way to diversify and that's exactly the way that you have to approach them...

We put our money up and allow the books to hold it for a while...Then we come back and either make a modest gain by hedging...or we make a score like we did with the Steelers & Saints by cashing...

The bottom that it all goes into your Account Balance...And where it came from or what it took to get there becomes irrelevant on Dec 31st...The only thing that ultimately matters is that it got there...

So don't overlook making Future Bets or diversifying your Account...It really does allow you to view this like a market, and also helps you take the gambling aspect out of it...

Thanks again for all your support, and best of luck...Vegas-Runner


*** When the Tournament is Final...We will either ADD the Profit made from ALL of our CBB Future Bets...or SUBTRACT the Loss from our Account Balance...I just wanted to inform you that we haven't deducted the Texas Loss, because we wait until the entire season is over to see whether we profited or not from our Futures for each sport ***

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