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Pregame Blogs

Pregame Blogs

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  • Created On:
    09/07/2011 9:56 PM
  • Last Update:
    05/09/2024 7:02 PM

Inside the Steam - Week of Oct 28th


The following article is from Stan Sharp as told to (and posted by) a staff writer. We have convinced Stan to sit for an occassional interview that we'd convert into an article.

Stan Sharp took the time to discuss some of the Key Line Moves this week as we will call this series "Inside the Steam

W. Michigan @ Kent
Kent Opened +1 now -2.5

Vegas and the Wise Guys have disagreed on this Kent team all year as Vegas keeps setting a low number number on Kent and the Wise Guys continue to jump on the Kent side. The Wise Guys think Kent is under valued and are going to keep pounding them until Vegas adjust their number. Note the Wise Guys have been right when betting Kent while Vegas has been wrong. Follow the Money here and it's on Kent.

S. Mississippi @ Houston
S. Mississippi Opened +7.5 now +6.5

Stan says this is another move you have to respect as the Wise Guys came in early and hard on this game as they moved this number right through a crucial number of 7. To take this game from +7.5 to +6.5 took a lot of sharp money. Once again Stan says follow the Money here and it's on S. Mississippi.

Akron @ N. Illinois
N. Illinois Opened -9.5 now -12

Stan notes that the line just keeps rising on this game as the public wants to fade Akron who at 1-6 on the season is dead in the water. Stan notes this line has continued to move it's way up a half point at a time. Stan says that the continued movement looks to be the public jumping on what looks like a steam play. Stan expects the Sharps to move some Akron money on Saturday to buy back at a higher number. This is not a True Steam Play.

Denver @ Baltimore
Total Opened 39.5 now 41.5

Stan notes that this is a move to respect as the general public doesn't bet totals early in the week. The Wise guys felt this was weak number and jumped all over it moving it 2 points. Considering Baltimore is on the East Coast and weather can always be a factor this time of year the fact that they didn't wait to bet this game tells me they like it a lot. Stan says this is a true Wise Guy Move and you should follow the money and Take the Over.

Stan Sharp is a Professional Bettor in Las Vegas that has won 57.5% of his plays over a 31 month period. Stan only bets one game a day but the work begins early in the week as Stan monitors how the lines move and why the money is being bet the way it is.

Click here to see Stan's Sharp's homepage


Stan based in Las Vegas makes his living solely from Betting on Sports his Winning is geared by playing just One Game a Day the absolute Best Bet he finds on the Card.

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