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Pregame Blogs

Pregame Blogs

Videos are just the START of the conversation. Each show has a dedicated blog post with show notes, links, and pics. Plus, the host and guests continue the conversation in the comments section!

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  • Type:
  • Created On:
    09/07/2011 9:56 PM
  • Last Update:
    05/09/2024 7:02 PM

First off, thanks to those who joined me on my MLB Game of the Week yesterday! It wasn't an easy game on which to pull the trigger given the Brewers issues all over the diamond, but they came through last night with 7 sweet runs on offense, and another studly performance from Yovani Gallardo. The only thing that didn't go perfectly according to plan was that it took Milwaukee until later in the game than I expected to... Read more

The Birthday is in the rear view, and it didn't go exactly as planned. The Cardinals battled back to lead 8-7 in the 7th inning, but couldn't hold the lead and lost a high-scoring heartbreaker, 9-8. The bats were alive, as we hoped, but the pitching staff didn't hold its end of the bargain. The Free Play is still in progress. In any event, plenty to do today - lots of catching up, thanks to the aforementioned Birthday... Read more

June 1st, a glorious day, indeed. Haha! If anyone is wondering what I wished for when the fiance took me out to dinner last night (we dined a night early, since she was off work), well, I'm a tad ashamed. I probably should have wished for something philanthropic, but that just wasn't the first thing that popped into my head. Nope, your buddy Dan Bebe is a true degenerate. That's as far as I can go, since, if you tell... Read more

Happy Memorial Day, all! Hopefully, everyone has some spectacular, sausage-smokin', dog-devourin', condiment-crushin', beer-and-burger belt-bustin' plans for the day! I'll be around almost all afternoon to take in the MLB action, but the evening is for relaxing, as tomorrow is my birthday! Yes, the first of June rings in a new year in the life of Bebe, so don't be surprised if the Tuesday blog is running a minute... Read more

From a pure NBA enjoyment perspective, I'm not sure we could have hoped for a more thrilling Finals. The NBA's 2 biggest franchises meeting in the Finals yet again, the Lakers looking for some sort of redemption after getting pushed around just a few short years ago. It's going to be a bloodbath, and I can't help but think that the Lakers are in for a rude awakening playing a team that really gives max effort on defense... Read more

It's the weekend, so very short intro! Not a very strong Friday, but just one day, and coming off a great Thursday and a powerhouse week, no reason to fret! And some of you guys might think this is nuts, but we're going right back with another 3* in the NBA! It's been a nice, nice week, so I'm going to go ahead and deem this one a "Game of the Month." You guys know I don't like those terms, and this is only the... Read more

Let's celebrate a little first, then get into the meat of the card. We picked up a 3* NBA Game of the Week winner last night with the Lakers/Suns Under, and though it took a buzzer-beater to avoid OT, the final score was a good 15 points under the posted mark, so it's pretty fair to say that it was very much the right side, and the trend of slowing tempo continued with quarters of 45, 53, 52, and 54. Just something... Read more

A funny thing happened on the way to the gym... Okay, jokes aside, and weird references aside, as well, but a funny thing did happen yesterday -- this handicapper made the huge mistake of forgetting the start time of one of his picks. For me, that was the Royals-Rangers game. I placed the wager, put the Free Play out, and went about my business, assuming I'd tune in at 8pm and take in some quality Royals baseball.... Read more

I'm actually still too flabbergasted to write a clever intro, still completely unable to comprehend what happened in the final 45 seconds of last night's Lakers-Suns game. Inexplicably, down 9 points, the Lakers started fouling. We appeared to have plenty of breathing room with roughly a dozen points to spare between the current number (209) and the posted total, and yet, that wasn't enough. I'm not going to get into... Read more

Sometimes you're good, and sometimes you're lucky. On Friday we went 2-1, on Saturday we went 3-0, and on Sunday we went 2-0, and we were winning going into the 9th inning in all 7 victories on the bases. Basically, what I'm saying is that we didn't need a miracle to win, just needed to avoid two complete and potentially monumental collapses. Then comes yesterday, and it was a damn good thing we pre-paid our Luck... Read more

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