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Pregame Blogs

Pregame Blogs

Videos are just the START of the conversation. Each show has a dedicated blog post with show notes, links, and pics. Plus, the host and guests continue the conversation in the comments section!

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  • Created On:
    09/07/2011 9:56 PM
  • Last Update:
    05/09/2024 7:02 PM

Yesterday was a good news, bad news type of day. The bad news, the Freebies were ALL 1-run losers. Very unfortunate, especially with unearned runs being the difference in at least one of them. The good news, we CREAMED the MLB 3* Game of the Month on the Cleveland Indians and Fausto Carmona's electric stuff. Offensively, they continued to mash, scoring 7 more runs, and recent call-up (and former Dodgers farmhand... Read more

It's weekend time, so no sense waiting until all the games are over to get this Preview up and running. Some will enjoy this obscenely early posting time, others will cluck their tongues and call me "mad," but one thing is for certain, games are getting played, and we handicapped 'em. So there. Let's roll, a lot to like on this card, for a change! Sports Wagering: MLB National League Cardinals @ Diamondbacks... Read more

Winner in the NBA, but that's what I expect. Doesn't mean I'm not going to be happy about it, but you guys know how I feel about what we can accomplish in the Association. Plus, the game stayed Under, which means that secret love I share with Greg Shaker will remain partially under wraps. I'm also making up a new excuse. I'm not sure a handicapper has used this one before: "Handicapping Jetlag." That's what happened... Read more

No plays yesterday, so the recap section is pretty easy on this blog! I spent the day flying cross-country, and then, when I thought I'd have a good 3-4 hours in Los Angeles to really dig into a few key games on the card, Los Angeles threw me a curve. A California Highway Patrol officer was involved in a large accident that shut down, perhaps, the most important freeway in LA. That, in turn, meant it took me almost... Read more

Dan's Blog-Free Blog for 6/9

06/08/2010 9:10 PM ·

I know you guys are accustomed to a thorough rundown of every game on the Major League schedule, but I'm afraid that because I'm leaving my apartment for a number of weeks, and the concurrent tasks of packing, handicapping, and trying to make sure this place doesn't burn to the ground (and that my airport shuttle comes at 5:45am) has stripped me of the time necessary to write my thoughts in blog form! However, because... Read more

We only had one day off between Finals games, so you know I'm about as happy as ever! Of course, it's bittersweet, as with every NBA Finals contest, we get one game closer to the end of NBA until Halloween-time. Yes, there's the draft, but that joy of the NBA season and just killing that sport all year long will sorely be missed. Of course, in the meantime, we might as well cash in on some other sports, and while we... Read more

A multi-sport Sunday led to the ultimate in narrow winning days - yep, 5 cents! We got things kicked off right with an EASY underdog winner, as the Royals pummeled Jeremy Bonderman and the Tigers and picked up yet another series win against Detroit. The Royals just have a ton of confidence when playing against the Tigers, and yesterday's starting pitcher match-up worked out perfectly for a +115, 7-2 victory. The... Read more

Winner winner! I know it's getting late (almost 2 a.m. ET as I write this paragraph), so I'll keep this brief, but this was FAR AND AWAY the best MLB week of the season for followers of both Free and Paid Plays, and yesterday was no different. We had just one play on Saturday, a 2* winner on the Pittsburgh Pirates, who took it to Todd Wellemeyer just as we expected! That win capped a 9-3 MLB week, and improved... Read more

Another winning day on Friday is putting us within arm's length of a very, very strong week! And, in a rare turn of events, I actually walked away from last night's games when things were looking, well, a little bleak, and came back to a nice surprise! We picked up a Paid Winner on the Diamondbacks, who broke out of their scoring slump in a big way, and while it did take 2 in the 9th to get the job done (and our expectations... Read more

Just about weekend time, and it's been an enjoyable run this week leading up to it! Yesterday was another sweet day for a number of reasons. First, we nailed our Afternoon Free Underdog play on the Oakland Athletics for a nice little +112 hit on the bases, and improved to 6-2 in the MLB this week. Then, after about 4 hours to rest our sports-loving brains, the Lakers dominated the Boston Celtics, easily covering... Read more

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