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Pregame Blogs

Pregame Blogs

Videos are just the START of the conversation. Each show has a dedicated blog post with show notes, links, and pics. Plus, the host and guests continue the conversation in the comments section!

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  • Created On:
    09/07/2011 9:56 PM
  • Last Update:
    05/09/2024 7:02 PM

Hi Pregame community! Starting from today, I'll write and put my daily NBA previews on the blog. I think it's easier in that way for the members you want informations about the games. NBA Daily Preview: San Antonio @ Miami The Spurs started their last game with a 40-19 run against the Sixers and they almost blew up the lead and only a late shot by Tony Parker secured the win for the Spurs. It's not usual to watch... Read more

Southeast Division Orlando - 47.5 Miami - 37.5 Washington - 37.5 Atlanta - 36.5 Charlotte - 36.5 This seems to be the weakest division on the East, even though 3 teams of this division have qualified to the Playoffs last season: Orlando, Washington and Atlanta. Orlando finished last season with a 50-32 record and it doesn't seem hard for them to break the 50 wins barrier once again this season. Curiously... Read more

Northwest Division Utah - 51.5 Portland - 44.5 Denver - 41.5 Minnesota - 30.5 Oklahoma - 25.5 Utah is the favorite on this division and just a catastrofic scenario will prevent them from getting the 1st place on the division. The Jazz are a young team, with two All-Star players on their roster: Deron Williams and Carlos Boozer. They seem to be almost unbeatable at home and the 50 wins mark doesn't seem to... Read more

The Celtics were one of the few teams in sports who have done what they had promised before the season started: the championship. The challenge of putting three great players together on the same team and with the pressure of winning immediately never seemed to be easy, but Garnett, Pierce and Allen left their ego's at home and focused on team work. The team finished with a regular season record of 66-16 and... Read more

Bryan Colangelo has been doing a good job in making the Raptors a competitive team and for the second season in a row, the Raptors went to the Playoffs, just to lose in the first round. The team won the Atlantic division two seasons ago with a 47-35 record, but their record last season was just 41-41, far away from the eventual champions Celtics. One of the main problems of the Raptors last season were the injuries... Read more

The Sixers were the team with the biggest hype in the offseason, after all the team didn't lose any important player and they managed to get in the market Elton Brand. This addition makes the team to be now appointed by the analysts as one of the candidates to win the East. Let's remember the Sixers reached the Playoffs last season, when nobody was expecting that and they were actually one of the best teams on the... Read more

Is it possible for a team to enter the 2008/2009 season already thinking more on the 2010 season than in this season? If that's possible, then the Nets are clearly doing that. The Nets were one of the biggest disappointments of the league last season, ending the season with a 34-48 record, when they were before the season one of the main candidates to win the Eastern conference, together with Detroit and Boston... Read more

The Knicks have finally done what their supporters were asking for: changes! Isiah was finally fired and for his place, GM Donnie Walsh has hired Mike D'Antoni, the former coach of the Suns and the past seasons of the Knicks and D'Antoni have been antagonistic. While D'Antoni had a 232-96 record in the past four seasons in Phoenix, the Knicks had a 112-216 record in the same period. Normally when a team is rebuilding... Read more

The Lakers are the clear favorites to win the West and everything worse than another NBA final for them will be considered as a failure. These expectations are curious, as one year ago, a lot of people were doubting that they could even reach the Playoffs and that Kobe was more interested in leaving the Lakers than staying in LA. Everything changed with the breakout season of Andrew Bynum, who last season basically... Read more

The Warriors were one of the main highlights of the league on the past two seasons. In 2006, they caused one of the biggest upsets ever on the history of the NBA by eliminating Dallas in the first round of the Playoffs, who was coming from a 67-15 regular season. And last season they "managed" to finish the regular season with a 48-34 record and still stay out of the postseason. If we ask the coaches of the league... Read more

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