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  • Created On:
    09/07/2011 9:56 PM
  • Last Update:
    05/09/2024 7:02 PM

Tuesday CBB "TRUE STEAM"..."1-0" in '09 !!

We have not been able to get the "TRUE STEAM" going in NBA & CBB, like we've done in the NFL & CFB...

In fact, we are now 2-3 on Basketball "TRUE STEAM" so far this season...

And are "24-8" (75% ATS) in the NFL & CFB over the L/8 Weeks...

But if you remember, it was early on...even in football, where we had some struggles...But as I strengthened my own Ratings, and the Wiseguys did the same...we were able to gain that needed EDGE over the Books...

And that's exactly what should happen in NBA & CBB as well...

We've only Isolated 1 CBB "Early Move"...which was a Winner, in Basketball...

So for Tuesday...I went ahead and Isolated another CBB "Steam Play" made by the Outfits...

Which was supported by my own Ratings/Numbers as well...To try and get us a Winner for tonight...VR


CBB "TRUE STEAM" for Tuesday 12-29-09 :

1.) NORTHEASTERN opened -4.5....Now -5.5

This is one of those "Early Moves" that the Wiseguys waited on "Outs" to get down...Because this is more or less an "Added Game" which the books would initially take limited action on, as soon as the line went up...So what the Betting Syndicates did, was wait until more books began offering a betting line for this match-up...So that when they did show their hand, they were able to get down the amount they hoped for at the desired number...And that's exactly what happened early this morning, when in a matter of only "15" minutes...the Wiseguys went to work, laying -4.5 & -5 on Northeastern...Some were even able to lay -4, because when the Wiseguys passed on this game when the line first went up on Monday...many books felt safe to go ahead and drop the line to 4, because they anticipate plenty of "public money" to be bet on the DOG as we approach tip-off...And I believe that even at 4.5, the line was already shaded towards the anticipated public money that's going to come in on Santa Clara...Because my Ratings/Numbers support the "move" made by Outfits on the Favorite...And even at 5.5, I still believe that the betting value is on Northeastern...VR

LINE PREDICTION : Now according to my Ratings, and I'm sure it's the same with the Ratings used by many of these Outfits who are behind these "Steam Plays"...the line could still go higher...But because I was informed that the Outfits were able to get down plenty at -4, -4.5, & -5...and there is no word on another "Buy-Order"...I don't think it will...And in fact, with the public expected to come in on the Dog...I think that the books will feel safe enough, that they go ahead and bring it back down some...To try and give the public the worst number possible, without temtping the Outfits again with the Favorite...Because like I said above, even at 5.5...the Ratings show that the Value is on Northeastern still...So the only thing that is going to matter now, is the amount of Volume that the books handle from the public on this match-up...And truth is, that with Bowl Games on...and plenty of NBA & CBB...this game may not get too much...But since what they do get is expected to come in on Santa Clara, we will probably see the books adjust this line back to 5...With that said, if you see any get to 6...then rest assured that the Wiseguys are taking yet another position on the Favorite...Because based on what the public is going to do, this line should now only move in one direction...DOWN...VR


Let's see if we can get a Winner tonight and get on a nice "TRUE STEAM" Basketball we've done in Football...

I want to Thank You all for your continued support, and wish you all the best of luck...Vegas-Runner.

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