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Pregame Blogs

Pregame Blogs

Videos are just the START of the conversation. Each show has a dedicated blog post with show notes, links, and pics. Plus, the host and guests continue the conversation in the comments section!

1 Members
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  • Created On:
    09/07/2011 9:56 PM
  • Last Update:
    05/09/2024 7:02 PM

EVERYONE GETS TIRED! Michigan runs a "5-Out" Motion Offense with a thin bench . On top of this, The Wolverines have 4 players in their top 5 contributors that are either Freshman or Sophomores. When I mention the Michigan offense I want to stress the word "motion", because that's what the Wolverine players are doing IN EVERY GAME THEY PLAY, no matter who they are playing. They are running, and running, and running... Read more

The Trojans may seem bigger than they really are! The oddsmakers slapped a small number on the Bruins for obvious home court reasons, along with a perceived height imbalance on the perimeter. Hackett and Lewis are 6'5" and Taj Gibson is a handful, at 6'9", so the home team has the guns to compete with a Bruin team that is statistically smaller. In general height, the Bruins are smaller. That's the height that "squares... Read more

You revert to MAX PROTECT when you're weak! I like to build my NFL wagers from the inside-out. The BASE-UNITS for any team, are the respective lines. If you see a weakness in either line, then you can extrapolate outward. This reasoning follows a VIRAL assumption. If the head is infected, then the body will suffer. In this case, Jacksonville has an injury-riddled offensive line, and the replacement players are... Read more

Will Tennessee go "Vanilla" after clinching the South? Tennessee has already taken the foot off the gas pedal on the defensive side of the ball. You didn't notice it, because the Titan's faced the Cleveland Browns last week. The Browns are committed to short passing routes, due to the ineffective arm of Ken Dorsey. If you saw the game, then you realized that Cleveland could not get the ball downfield. In fact, it appeared... Read more

It appears that many people love a certain home dog. They cite the unstoppable offense , the seriously impressive pass protection , and a surprizingly good defense . Their love is not misplaced. And they definitely have a case for wagering on the home dog, but we need to clear the air about the doggie, before we drink the juice and fall head over heels for a hound that may actually be a paper tiger in disguise! Our... Read more

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