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Pregame Blogs

Pregame Blogs

Videos are just the START of the conversation. Each show has a dedicated blog post with show notes, links, and pics. Plus, the host and guests continue the conversation in the comments section!

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    09/07/2011 9:56 PM
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    05/09/2024 7:02 PM

In my opinion this shows how hard it is to win at gambling when you have a guy who probably knows more about baseball than anyone: Was Pete Rose a Good Gambler? Conde Nast Economics Blog by Zubin Jelveh Last week I wrote about C.E.O.'s who seemed to be using insider information to create their own tax breaks. Now here's a case where inside knowledge failed to payoff. I recently happened upon this very short paper investigating... Read more

There could be countless factors on why these numbers play the way they do (home crowd, used to the rims, etc), but in the NBA the home court seems to have more of an edge than most sports. You can see below the average margin of difference when a team is playing on the road versus at home: Team AMOV Home Away Boston Celtics 9.74 12.17 7.21 Detroit Pistons ... Read more

Topics: ats NBA Handicapping

With baseball around the corner, I will start dropping some tips I have learned over the years. This one is in regards to the runline and the difference in home vs away favorites when factoring in the runline. In mlb, there is a correlation between road fav/over. essentially, if a home team is winning they obviously will not bat in the bottom of the 9th. regardless of the margin of the road team being up, there is... Read more

Out of all the things I have ever read, this story does the best job and looking into how a professional betting syndicate works. It also sheds some light on this who ask why guys like Vegas Runner play so much volume. It is a long read, so sit back and enjoy: The Story of The Computer Group By Ian Thomsen Billy Walters In Las Vegas at one of his many land developments $25 of picks FREE! No Obligation - No Credit... Read more

For all of us scalpers, nothing is better than the start of baseball season. Nothing beats being able to bet both sides of the same game and make money regardless who wins. For those who do not know what scalping is, you basically line shop and take advantages of a discrepancy in a line between two books. There are two kinds of scalpers, the one who has a lean toward one side and the one who does a true arb (arbitrage... Read more

I get this asked my opionion alot on this matter, so I figured why not have it documented: 2 years of NBA and CBB games analyzed. 1-4 are the least key numbers (fouls obviously) Games landing on 1 is the fewest for obvious reasons, 3-4 very close in regards to %. 7-8 are key if could call any of the findings "key #s", even though the actual %s in comparison to other #s are not much higher to even deem them key in terms... Read more

Well on Saturday the "internet legend" Kimbo took on the "past his prime" Tank Abbott. What most people expected to happened, happened. Kimbo is getting "decent names" to fight to boost him up before a real MMA guy sends him back to fighting on YouTube.

Yesterday morning we did a recap of the "early movers". This was on the total moves of 2+ points at the time of the update. Here is how the movers did: #507/508 Hawks/Rockets went from 182.5 up to 184.5 RESULT> 89-108, 197, OVER, WINNER #521/522 Boston College/Duke went from 153.5 down to 150.5 RESULT> 80-90, 170, LOSER #523/524 Alabama/Kentucky went from 144 down to 141 (as typing this line went from 6 to 5/4.5) RESULT... Read more

Early Saturday movers

02/09/2008 8:07 AM ·

Saturday is the mecca for middlers. A boat load of college basketball games and tons of chances to catch books sleeping on the numbers. For Saturday so far, here are some of the bigger movers of the day on the "totals" end of it: #507/508 Hawks/Rockets went from 182.5 up to 184.5 #521/522 Boston College/Duke went from 153.5 down to 150.5 #523/524 Alabama/Kentucky went from 144 down to 141 (as typing this line went from... Read more

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