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Videos are just the START of the conversation. Each show has a dedicated blog post with show notes, links, and pics. Plus, the host and guests continue the conversation in the comments section!
10/14/2009 4:38 PM · The King Maker
This is an open letter to all aspiring Touts Rule #1: Your record is never as bad as it seems. THE KING MAKER is working with a dismal 7-9 record in NCAA football. He's made his clients an abysmal $170.00 on the season. That's not what you want from your Professional is it? WELL SURE IT IS! Let me show you how to cook the books on that 7-9 showing . I am one of the rare Professional Touts that pays to have... Read more
09/14/2009 7:00 AM · The King Maker
If you receive money from a client base, then you have the money to reinvest in a monitoring service. It's just that simple . The owner of actually makes it easy on willing professionals to become the subject of an independent monitoring service, it should be noted that he has done whatever he can to make this site more transparent. With that being said........ Should a "service" be trusted with their own... Read more
11/19/2008 6:55 AM · The King Maker
By The King Maker We all know that proper money management and a decent winning percentage are all you need to survive in the world of gambling. Anyone that can manage their impulses and stick to a conservative plan will do well in a business that preys on the multiple faults of its practitioners. The foundation of the gaming industry was fostered within the fractured psyche of of the world's most unprofessional, deluded... Read more
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