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Videos are just the START of the conversation. Each show has a dedicated blog post with show notes, links, and pics. Plus, the host and guests continue the conversation in the comments section!
05/08/2009 7:25 AM · Robert Littal
No need to beat around the bush there are only two possibilities to this Manny Ramirez 50 game suspension: 1- Manny is completely innocent and it was the doctors fault for giving him a prescription with a banned substance in it. 2- Manny is a lot smarter than we give him credit for, was trying to be slick and got caught. If history tells us anything while I would like to believe Manny he is probably... Read more
05/05/2009 10:43 AM · Robert Littal
Since Alex Rodriguez has been out, all I ever hear from the New York Yankees is how much they need for Alex Rodriguez to come back. How they'll be so much better when he comes back. The Yankees' total payroll is $201,449,189 and they can't win. What, is he carrying your steroid stash? Can't you make it work without him? Sure, A-Rod is the Yankees best player. I get that. But if the Yankees are paying the rest of them... Read more
04/06/2009 6:36 AM · Robert Littal
Major League Baseball starts its season today and Terror Squad Entertainment has something special for you. New York Rapper Fat Joe has long been a fan of baseball and he wants to give back to you. Joey Crack will be giving away a signed baseball to one lucky person. Entering the drawing is easy: Just email your Name, Age, Email, and Contact # to: BSOgiveaway@ g "Be sure to check out the video... Read more
03/04/2009 5:19 PM · Robert Littal
1- Michael Jordan You can sum up MJ's clutch skills in two possessions. 1998 NBA Finals against the Utah Jazz everyone remembers the shot over Byron Russell that was a serial killer putting a dagger in the heart, but what I remember more was the steal of Karl Malone to get Jordan in position to make that shot. It is the little things that are the difference between a great player (see: Karl Malone) and a legendary... Read more
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