Let me first say I respect Eddie House for keeping his cool. It is the playoffs and he is very important to the success of the Boston Celtics so retaliation would have been the wrong move.
Now that I got that BS out of the way:
COME ON MAN!!!!!!!
Eddie you are a grown man and I don't care if you are in the NBA, WNBA, And 1 or NBA2K9 when you get slapped in the back of the head you have to do something.
I understand you can't punch him in the face (which is what I would have done), but you have to do more than just stare him down.
Ricky Hatton stared down Manny Paquiao, you know how that turned out don't you?
This is the NBA the land of the
"fake fights". All you had to do is push him or something and the refs would have broke it up before anything happened.
To be honest when the stare down took place you looked scared. Rafer Alston had his chin out there for you to check and your bottom lip was quivering.
Man Up Eddie!!!!
If you are going to talk all that trash you can't let people punk you. That's your manhood.
As far as Rafar Alston is concerned that was punk move. He needed to get popped in his mouth. Just because you are getting lit up don't act like a bully by slapping people in the back of the head like you are Florida from
"Good Times". You are not tough, that isn't what tough guys do and you lucky that Eddie House was shook or you would be still laying on the ground.