By Marc Lawrence
Some say the NBA is simply an acronym for Nothing But Aggravation. Others contend it's merely a Nice Bankroll Additive. Whatever your take, there is no better time than the present - with Pro Basketball taking a time out for the All-Star break - to examine the condition of each team in the league at this stage of the season. From the surprise teams to the disappointments, the run to the playoffs is about to take off.
What we've seen thus far is some teams have excelled against foes that do not own a winning record, such as the Hawks (18-8 ATS) and the Kings (17-9-1 ATS), while others have struggled in games against lousy competition, such as the Mavericks (9-17 ATS), the Nets (8-16-1 ATS) and the Hornets (8-18 ATS).
On the flip, a handful of teams have risen to the occasion when squaring off against quality, winning opposition - teams like the Cavaliers (21-4 SU and 16-7-2 ATS), the Hornets 18-9 ATS) and the Thunder (19-9 ATS). The Wizards are biggest money burner in games against winning teams (7-14 ATS), season to date.
Here's a quick look at some of the GOOD, BAD, and UGLY team trends on every team and how they have fared SU (Straight Up) and ATS (Against The Spread) this season in games played through the All-Star break. In addition, I also break down performance records for each team in games versus .500 or less and greater than .500 opponents this campaign. Do your homework now, and enjoy the rest of the season...
Good: 12-2 ATS vs. .375 or less opp
Bad: 1-4 ATS as dog less than five points
Ugly: 0-3 ATS with no rest vs. division
Vs. .500 or less: 19-7 SU, 18-8 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 15-10 SU, 14-11 ATS
Good: 6-1-1 ATS pick or favorite 4 or less points
Bad: 1-7 ATS favorites 12 or more points
Ugly: 1-11 ATS home off loss
Vs. .500 or less: 23-6 SU, 10-19 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 9-12 SU, 9-11-1 ATS
Good: 5-0-1 ATS vs. division opp off loss
Bad: 3-9 ATS away off SU and ATS loss
Ugly: 1-5 ATS off SU favorite loss
Vs. .500 or less: 13-12 SU, 10-13-2 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 12-14 SU, 14-12 ATS
Good: 8-0 SU and ATS vs. .750 or greater opp
Bad: 1-4 ATS home with no rest
Ugly: 0-3 SU and ATS vs. opp with 3+ days rest
Vs. .500 or less: 20-6 SU, 10-16 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 21-4 SU, 16-7-2 ATS
Good: 7-1 ATS away off loss
Bad: 3-16 ATS home vs. non-division opp
Ugly: 0-4 ATS off BB SU and ATS losses
Vs. .500 or less: 18-8 SU, 9-17 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 14-12 SU, 12-14 ATS
Good: 7-0-1 ATS home vs opp off double-digit win
Bad: 1-6 ATS off SU dog win
Ugly: 0-4 ATS away vs. opp off SU dog win
Vs. .500 or less: 11-18 SU, 11-16-2 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 6-16 SU, 10-11-1 ATS
Good: 4-1-1 ATS vs. .250 or less opp
Bad: 4-14-2 ATS off ATS loss 4 or more points
Ugly: 0-5-1 ATS fav off SU and ATS loss
Vs. .500 or less: 11-18 SU, 11-16-2 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 6-16 SU, 10-11-1 ATS
Good: 7-1 ATS dog vs. unrested opp
Bad: 2-6 SU and ATS fav less 6 points
Ugly: 1-5 ATS off loss vs. opp of SU dog win
Vs. .500 or less: 10-15, 12-12-1 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 4-22 SU, 16-10 ATS
Good: 3-0 ATS vs. opp with 3 more days rest
Bad: 2-9 ATS fav with revenge
Ugly: 0-5 ATS vs. non div opp off SU dog win
Vs. .500 or less: 18-8, 13-13 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 9-16 SU, 11-14 ATS
Good: 5-0 ATS double-digit dog
Bad: 1-5 ATS off loss vs div opp
Ugly: 1-7 ATS dog 3 less points
Vs. .500 or less: 14-16 SU, 13-17 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 4-18 SU, 9-13 ATS
Good: 5-1-1 ATS fav vs Eastern Conference
Bad: 1-6 ATS dog vs opp off double-digit win
Ugly: 0-7 ATS with rest vs. con opp off BB SU and ATS losses
Vs. .500 or less: 14-15 SU, 13-15-1 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 7-16 SU, 11-12 ATS
Good: 6-1 ATS away vs. opp off double-digit loss
Bad: 2-7-1 ATS fav 5 less points
Ugly: 1-6 ATS av vs opp off BB SU and ATS wins
Vs. .500 or less: 23-3 SU, 14-12 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 18-10 SU, 11-15-2 ATS
Good: 12-1 ATS off win vs. opp of loss
Bad: 3-8 ATS away off loss
Ugly: 0-5 ATS off loss vs opp off SU and ATS win
Vs. .500 or less: 12-7 SU, 11-7-1 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 14-18 SU, 16-16 ATS
Good: 10-2 ATS vs. less .400 opp
Bad: 1-5 ATS vs. opp off SU dog win
Ugly: 0-3 SU and ATS off 3 wins
Vs. .500 or less: 16-10 SU, 14-12 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 10-17 SU, 12-14-1 ATS
Good: 7-1 ATS no rest vs unrested opp
Bad: 1-5 ATS off SU dog win vs. opp off win
Ugly: 0-3 ATS off 3-0 SU and ATS
Vs. .500 or less: 19-11 SU, 19-11 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 5-16 SU, 12-9 ATS
Good: 9-0 ATS dog less 4 points
Bad: 4-11 ATS off BB losses vs opp off loss
Ugly: 0-5 ATS vs unrested con opp
Vs. .500 or less: 8-20 SU, 15-13 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 5-20 SU, 13-12 ATS
Good: 4-0 ATS double-digit div dog
Bad: 12-27-2 ATS vs. non div opp
Ugly: 0-3 SU and ATS fav
Vs. .500 or less: 4-21 SU, 8-16-1 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 0-27 SU, 11-15-1 ATS
Good: 10-2 ATS dog more 7 points
Bad: 2-10 ATS fav off win
Ugly: 0-9 ATS vs. less .300 opp
Vs. .500 or less: 15-11 SU, 8-18 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 13-14 SU, 18-9 ATS
Good: 8-1 ATS off loss 14 more points
Bad: 1-5 ATS off double-digit win
Ugly: 1-6 ATS away with no rest
Vs. .500 or less: 14-18 SU, 14-17-1 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 5-14 SU, 9-10 ATS
Good: 14-1 ATS off SU and ATS loss
Bad: 2-6 ATS vs unrested opp
Ugly: 1-6 ATS off double-digit ATS win vs opp off BB wins
Vs. .500 or less: 16-7 SU, 13-10 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 14-14 SU, 19-9 ATS
Good: 8-0 ATS vs. unrested opp off win
Bad: 1-5 ATS vs opp off BB SU and ATS losses
Ugly: 1-7 ATS home off SU and ATS win
Vs. .500 or less: 22-7 SU, 15-12-2 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 14-11 SU, 9-13-3 ATS
Good: 5-0 ATS dog more 10 points
Bad: 7-18 ATS home
Ugly: 1-8 ATS home dog
Vs. .500 or less: 13-17 SU, 12-18 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 7-15 SU, 11-11 ATS
Good: 4-0 ATS away vs opp off BB SU and ATS losses
Bad: 2-7 ATS off win 18 more points
Ugly: 0-5-1 ATS with revenge vs. unrested opp
Vs. .500 or less: 17-9 SU, 13-13 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 14-13 SU, 14-12-1 ATS
Good: 5-0 ATS no rest vs. opp of loss
Bad: 2-6-1 ATS off SU and ATS loss vs. opp off SU and ATS win
Ugly: 0-4 ATS off win vs. unrested opp
Vs. .500 or less: 18-9 SU, 14-12-1 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 13-15 SU, 15-12-1 ATS
Good: 8-1 double-digit dog
Bad: 3-9 ATS vs. Eastern Conference opp off win
Ugly: 0-5 ATS away vs. opp off SU favorite loss
Vs. .500 or less: 15-12 SU, 17-9-1 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 3-22 SU, 10-14-1 ATS
Good: 5-1 ATS off double-digit win vs opp off BB wins
Bad: 2-5 ATS dog 2 more points
Ugly: 1-8 ATS off division
Vs. .500 or less: 20-8 SU, 15-13 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 10-13 SU, 10-13 ATS
Good: 8-2 ATS vs unrested opp
Bad: 3-9 ATS with no rest
Ugly: 1-7 ATS away off loss vs. non div opp
Vs. .500 or less: 21-10 SU, 17-14 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 8-13 SU, 10-11 ATS
Good: 9-0 SU and ATS home vs unrested opp
Bad: 2-5 ATS vs. div opp off loss
Ugly: 0-5 ATS vav more 7 points vs div opp off loss
Vs. .500 or less: 17-7 SU, 14-10 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 15-12 SU, 17-8-2 ATS
Good: 4-1 ATS off win less 4 points
Bad: 1-6 ATS vs. .750 greater opp
Ugly: 1-10 ATS fav more 2 points
Vs. .500 or less: 11-18 SU, 11-15-3 ATS
Vs. winning opp: 6-15 SU, 7-14 ATS