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Pregame Blogs

Pregame Blogs

Videos are just the START of the conversation. Each show has a dedicated blog post with show notes, links, and pics. Plus, the host and guests continue the conversation in the comments section!

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  • Created On:
    09/07/2011 9:56 PM
  • Last Update:
    05/09/2024 7:02 PM

I have been a Detroit Lion's season ticket holder since #20, Barry Sanders, dazzled football fans everywhere with a playoff victory against the Dallas Cowboys. I saw numerous choke jobs (cough cough, playoff game against the Packers with the infamous Favre to Sharpe Hail Mary). Despite all the heartbreak and disappointment, each year I sign the check and set myself up for another year of misery. But, according to almost... Read more

Topics: NFL detroit lions

First off, I am not referring to the horrible weekend I had with my selections or the fact I am under 50% in college football (still doing well in pro ball though). What I am ranting about is football overall this season for both the NFL and College. As I write this, this season has been going by very quicky in my opinon due to being one of the weakest starts to football in recent memory. Why? Well, let me count the ways... Read more

I must admit, despite being around football and gambling since running parlay cards during Junior High, I have never played fantasy football. Watching people in these nerdy little leagues and acting like it was "cool" always annoyed me. Personally, I felt the fantasy football people were people who did not have the balls to focus the energy on handicapping and gamble like a grown up. Alas, over the past couple years I... Read more

It is close to that time of the year when the "King of Kings" when it comes to gambling returns: Football. Basketball, baseball, hockey, etc all pale in comparision to betting on football. There is nothing like seeing the lines and spending more time coming up with picks than you probably spend with family and friends on the weekend. Some people call it a day and use a professional sports service. Other people spend hours... Read more

These are some general rules and guidelines that I have learned over the years. Of all the sports that an online sportsbook or local bookie will take a wager on, football by far is the best when it comes to action and excitement. Not only that, if you are capable of keeping your mind and heart separate when it comes to analyzing games, you are one step in the right direction. Below are 10 things that I feel are important... Read more

With the clock ticking and football around the corner, why not bust open the notebooks and start talking some pigskin. What theories or guidelines do you attempt to follow every season betting football? Even though I feel the do's and don't could be endless, here are a couple of mine: Due to Win will make you Due to Go Broke: The Due to Win theory has sent more people to the poor house than the 1929 Stock Market Crash... Read more

Topics: NFL Handicapping CFB

It makes me think of my first involvement with gambling. Running those infamous white football cards. You know the ones with the 9-1 on a 4-teamer with the note at the bottom: All ties lose For entertainment purposes only By a show of hands, what % of you made your first "really" bet on a football ticket? Shit, I remember, always being 3-0 and having that last game to go (this was before I knew what the hell a hedge was... Read more

When I say "bet", I mean one with a book or offshore. The first money that ever exchanged hands on a sporting even was in 6th grade when I bet this chick from Arizona in my class on the Michigan-Arizona Rose Bowl. Wolverines lost and Karen got a handful of change. Johnny Detroit's first official wager with a local took place on the pay phone at Blazo's Restaurant and Pie Shop on Wayne Road (long gone now). It was the... Read more

The greatest sports game of all time (with Baseball Stars a close 2nd) might be making a comeback on the Nintendo WII and DS. Word on the street is the DS game will be a throwback version and the WII version will be 100% new. Man, oh man. First I get to hear about Vegas Runner's dad pulling pizza cutters on the homeboys, and now I read Super Tecmo Bowl is coming back. Similar to Ace's past, my circle of friends was not... Read more

Green Bay goes from 14-1 to 25-1 to win Super Bowl after QB's departure By MATT YOUMANS REVIEW-JOURNAL Respect for Brett Favre was paid in generous amounts Tuesday after the 38-year-old quarterback retired from the NFL. As Favre's place in history was being debated, oddsmakers were acting quickly to disrespect his former team, the Green Bay Packers, and the quarterback who will replace him, Aaron Rodgers. The Las Vegas... Read more

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