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Videos are just the START of the conversation. Each show has a dedicated blog post with show notes, links, and pics. Plus, the host and guests continue the conversation in the comments section!
10/06/2009 2:50 PM · andre gomes
The Celtics were a pretty good team last season, even though their season didn't end with the same outcome it did in 2008: they didn't win the championship. They started the season with an unbelievable 27-2 record and during the process, they had a 19-game winning streak. However, we already know what happened to Kevin Garnett's knee and the Celtics with a short rotation couldn't go through a tough and deep postseason... Read more
10/23/2008 7:03 AM · andre gomes
The Celtics were one of the few teams in sports who have done what they had promised before the season started: the championship. The challenge of putting three great players together on the same team and with the pressure of winning immediately never seemed to be easy, but Garnett, Pierce and Allen left their ego's at home and focused on team work. The team finished with a regular season record of 66-16 and... Read more
06/05/2008 5:42 AM · andre gomes
BOSTON vs LAKERS And today starts the NBA final which will bring more emotion and higher ratings than the previous finals, as the title will be discussed between the teams that the public and the NBA most wished: Boston and Lakers. In this analysis the main question is to know who is the favorite to win the final and if they are the fair favorite. The Lakers are the favorites to win the champion ship and the oddmakers... Read more
05/06/2008 5:45 AM · andre gomes
Tuesday matchup: BOSTON vs CLEVELAND Surely nobody was expecting this series to start so late, well it could have happened because of the close series between Cleveland and Washington, but nobody thought the reason for this series to start so late would be a Game 7 in the series between Boston and Atlanta. I don't know how a Boston supporter felt his team's performances on the road, knowing that his team will now... Read more
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