Barney said:
“I've had PG posters PM me about both of them and even stepped up and said that I could use their name. But I won't go that far, all that is important is that I'm not the only one with the same opinion of these two.“
Even if the above is true, what kind of little girl posts shit like that?…seriously dude, how much harder are you gonna try to be one of the popular kids ? What a fkn putz…if you don’t think I realize who likes me or doesn’t after the years I’ve spent here you’re an idiot…get everyone’s ballz out of your mouth and quit your ingratiating agenda…you’re MO is so obvious to most here and the ones who don’t realize or have decided to tolerate your BS deserve you…it’s that simple…
Listen shit for brains, "who posts shit like that", lol. well I'll be damned if your not calling the kettle black, dumbass.... I'm not on this forum to be in a popularity contest as you appear to be. If you don't like what I post, than STAY THE F***K OUT... I don't give a shit how long you have been on PG, would you like a doggy biscuit or a plaque to go with that? When I read what you post, it re-affirms that I have forgotten more in life than you "DUDE" will ever learn...
I forgot to add. Sometimes I ask myself "why do I respond to these idiots?" I'm not sure if it's the Irish or Italian side of me. The only two that may be able to help me with that is Dank and Snap...
If anyone's MO is obvious, you stand out in the crowd big time. When I shit in the morning, there is more intelligence in it going down the toilet than you have in your pea brain F***ing head. I love telephone and internet tough guys. You know what shit for brains? I have nothing more than money and time, and plenty of both, feel free to PM me with your address and cell number, I'd be more than happy to get on a plane and come to visit with you for a beer........