A couple of jealous haters tried to discredit me & say I don't bet/u only bet $50 n "show me the tickets" right after saying "bills is my biggest bet of the yr" but then when they lose "oh it's actually not my biggest bet of the yr and I don't have to post my tickets" (the irony) n some other loud mouth wanna say fake bets but have nothing to say when I post n show my bets
Big mouth cowards
I am not rich I do not come from money I hustle and work for what I have
This is a second stream of income and at times has been my only means of surviving
I dont have money to burn.. this isn't a hobby
I do this to profit and provide for my family
That's the difference between me and most
Here's some more winning tickets... lmao what they gonna say now?
N to all my haters thank you for the extra motivation