One of the part-time jobs I still do now we just had the very same thing happen:
This homeless man was asked very nicely to LEAVE and he refused.
Security was called and the homeless man suddenly remembered English but still refused to leave
Santa Barbara Police were called - a fight broke out
it was three against one and this 160 lb. homeless guy was actually winning the fight
The Security guard pepper sprayed the re-invarnated Sugar Ray Robinson and finally the cops arrested him
on the same place the white Van ran people down last week, "The Wharf" were the Cruise ship patrons shop.
Long story short, this "Activist" from LA drives all the way up here to sue the city of Santa Barbara in behalf of this
beloved homeless scum.
City of Santa Barbara settled for $222,000-something.
Now don't take MY word for anything. Look this shit up for yourselves.
The Santa Barbara Independent publishes stuff in spite of those rich old white broads that are BILLIONAIRES.
They succeeded in bankrupting the Santa Barbara News Press. They fight back THEIR way.
If you try to "dox" me to get me fired that will backfire:
They already told me to NOT make a video about this because I AM outraged.