What a year, it was rough and hard, it was full of love and with many tears, there was illness, sudden deaths, many ups and downs, and you learn to know your real friends....
I hope 2025, brings us peace, wipes Woke from this earth, and the next pregame meeting is in Sochi , the Las Vegas of Russia it wants to become...
God bless you all... Especial Paul and his family
And Celebrate Christmas as if it is your last one, because , this world is on the edge of huge changes,
Just hope it will be done in peace.
And like Paul said about BTC, watch the doggie coin, I'm gonna bet you it will be the best performing coin in percentage over the next 3 years, and it will be the official coin to be used on Mars ..That's what I believe
We will not celebrate Christmas this year, but we will do it double next year!!!!
Good night