I like to believe that deep down goodness is in everyone, and no matter what you believe in at the end of the day we are all Americans and that should always Trump skin color etc.
Good post if u mean it, I agree and feel the same way, although we have all flaws, those flaws are not worthy of the division we see being amplified in main stream media.
Why have people forgotten or so easily dismissed who we are and what we came from? Okay his nation was built on great and truthfully eternal guidelines and principles that have proven and guarantee success, no it wasn’t perfect and had some very dark turns but remember that we started out as a nation that was built on a system that was to self govern by the people and for the well being and protection of the peoples ,all in the divine document we all call our CONSTITUTION of the USA.. It is our super power and separated and still separates us from the rest of the planet, we have excellence is in this nation. It’s in all of us, and if we can continue to stand on the principles that made us the greatest nation on earth we can continue to be the nation everyone wants to be apart of. It is the American spirit, the American Dream. people have had it so damn good for so long they don’t even realize the danger they are running right into by aborting the path that out is here.
Let alone let us never forget the blood that was spilled to ensure an enduring and lasting freedom of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Fast FWD. we now teeter on the edge of a cliff? Why? It’s simple… we are believing a lie of a better way when really there is only one way. Sorry if that offends you, but it is the only way, we he only truth and the light that attracts excellence and true peace:
It’s clear that Our nation was founded on biblical principles No nation in the history of the world has stood as a beacon of hope and a light unto all other nations like we have. No one gives more and no one ever will this is the best thing going ever, and it’s mo coincidence we have led the planet like we have. So why would we want to change course now? For what Socialism, bigger Government that will rule the people vs the people ruling the govt as intended by our founding fathers. Yea I know it wasn’t perfect but I want right we have given are all to make it right: The choice is clear so you want to continue down this Biden path that represents a new proven failed way? Or do we want TRUMP a man who is the very representation of the fundamental principles of our founding fathers, who wants to uphold the constitution. are we willing to abandon what made us great? Over what? Marxist ideology, free everything for all, then there’s my own choice, and let’s glorify it when it’s really the most selfish and perverse act anti one individual can make: sure Guys are also for it because they aren’t men anymore their betas, weak, and selfish too…
Kamala represents the anti constitutional capitalism republic ideology?she wants the government to control everything in your life.
We can clearly see in just 3.5 years plus Obama if I will..: of where socialism takes us…
Can we not learn and avoid the failures of socialism and communism as we can see every nation that has tried it clearly fails and destroys its own nations.
I agree with Blew-top here, and say look deep within as Blew-top seems to have pointed to what Americans should represent in this post. Let’s vote for what’s best for all Americans, the premise being Let us not forget we are stronger together and United as AMERICANS first and then we can deal with all the smaller issues of social unrest, but let’s do it intelligently and with a standard, with the data as evidence and align with the truth to make the best choices for our nation: TRUMP is the man! BLEWTOP Has Made it clear …vote DJ T and MAGA in 2024!