My buddies and I have been talking about this for a while now, how money has changed and ruined what used to be a refuge for us from the greed that now rules pro sports. This article adds more to its downfall.
“DESPITE THE HYPE of March Madness, the NCAA as we know it is doomed. Every week there is another story about a lawsuit threatening the NCAA: student-athletes at Dartmouth voting to unionize, kids in California claiming to be college employees, or a tennis player suing for prize money she won at a professional tournament, the litany of legal actions is long and keeps growing. Back in 2021, the Supreme Court announced in NCAA v. Alston that when an antitrust case reaches the court challenging the association’s amateurism regime it will be overturned. As the walls began to close in on college sports, the NCAA resorted to a policy permitting students to be compensated based on their name, image, and likeness —NIL— a regime that is meant to provide some kind of compensation and equity within the existing system. But taken together the recent reforms — the transfer portal, the booster clubs, the secretive and potentially corrupt new methods of recruitment — don’t address the true injustice and hypocrisy of amateurism.”……..