I owe you and the pregame crew a great deal of credit for growing my knowledge base and giving me the tools I need to be a successful bettor. I appreciate the pods and what RJ has done to bring knowledge to us Joe's. With that said. I've subscribed to your packages in the past and even tried again this year before asking for a refund, and I can say your operating methods are highly suspect.
There are several problems with your releases. First off, historically, you rarely gave off playable numbers that were available at multiple books. I'd estimate I could play 60% of your releases at the numbers and I had 5 books available to me. Compare this to a guy like Hitman who had an 80-90% play rate. I did see you giving out multiple books with your numbers recently when I resubscribed, but it was generally the same thing where the books you'd use were vegas centric and not at bigger shops that the general public uses. And, like I said earlier, even with this multiple book release method, I was only able to play a few of your releases at the number this season before I asked for a refund. If you add your low play rate and throw in the plays you send that are barely available anywhere, your true +/- units for the general public is way lower and I'm sure you know this.
Another issue I have is that you keep picks WAY after the number is gone. How is that even allowed? Pregame should honestly audit this because there are stale numbers left up all the time. You can also add in the plays that are almost impossible to get at normal books
Rj has often called you the dirtiest player in the game and this feels true at times with your own clients, which is sad. I hope you continue to improve your methods, but I will not be subscribing to you again.
Finally, as a side, stop hijacking the pod when RJ is not on. You are constantly spouting out extra information that is either useless versus the current topic or scattered and hard to piece together. You also cut off your coworkers constantly and it's incredibly annoying.