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TULANE -14 (B) **Diamond**
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shaka said:BOL Hizz…
Thank you warrior
Vegas923 said:Bol Can’t figure if I want to be on the TT, spread, or running back prop. Go green wave!
Best of luck, my friend I love watching Tulane play.
foxtree said:Enough of the spelling lessons, the real issue here is "GO GREEN WAVE". I'm in, let's get em my friend. This guy, Johndtone08, just showed up out of nowhere to be disruptive. I would just ignore him, he's probably a derelict anyway!
You’re right my friend. This is a sports forum and not an English class. We sometimes get away from that topic. But I do think it’s great that so many people that talk shit about my picks ALWAYS check them out. Kind of makes you wonder but on the other hand you never see those that criticize post games. That said, you do have a really smart person (not) that actually said “ I was dumb enough to follow you”. which I'm still deciding whether he is the weakest link or the missing link.
okay play
passmore said: .. this is what the idiot should be doing
He should but it looks like he had a rough time in the casino and was trying to tell me so. That said, if he post again and does it respectfully I won’t have any problems with him from this point forward.
BOL tonight my friend.
TheGame33 said:Unckie, any more pics of Kamala in a bathing suit?
lol you do know you’re in my thread ask my favorite uncle for pictures? lol luv you man
Richard Mayfield said:Good luck HIZZ.
Thank you godfather
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