Drake (12-2, 2-2)
KenPom rating: 86
Tempo: 364
Experience: 358
Continuity: 337
Drake lost its last two games, after a 12-0 start.
Bulldogs are 2-0 vs top 100 teams (Vandy/K-State)
Drake is forcing turnovers 22.1% of time (#21)
Bulldogs are a top 20 rebounding team in country.
Opponents are shooting 53.8% inside the arc (#269)Bradley (13-2, 4-0)
Bradley....KenPom rating: 90
Tempo: 285
Experience: 130
Continuity: 24
Bradley won its last five games, two of them in overtime.
Braves are shooting 43.1% on the arc (#1 in country)
Bradley is 4-0 in games by 6 or fewer points.
Braves are 1-2 vs top 100 teams (beat #62 San Francisco 66-64)
Drake won five of its last six games against Bradley.
MVC home favorites are 4-11 ATS in conference games.
Courtesy Armadillo Sports............Good Luck Pool