f5 o4.5 here we go, the f5s. buehler is an unknown. yanks stadium will be pumping. road split, 2.5r worse, 6.5+a-era. yanks #1 reg season v rhp. schmidt home split 3runs worse, has allowed 2+runs last 6games, 2+ last 6 home games, & all home game but one, 4.5+h-era. la reg season #2 v rhp. temperate 50s in nyc in late oct. carlson an u ump is 4-2o at 8.5 with avg starters runs at 4.5+. *schmidt gets in trouble, expect same arms out of bp seen, from boone. buehler gets in trouble, expect weak-end of bp, as roberts will need bp for gm4.